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Grand River Hospital’s (GRH) wellness and organizational development department believes that the personal and professional development of hospital staff is an investment in our future.

Our programs and services help individuals, groups, teams and the organization to enhance skills, knowledge and practices. We also believe development is a shared responsibility and requires collaboration between staff, managers and our overall hospital.

We want to provide easy access to several internal services of benefit to you. You can use the below links to access various employee services off-site or from your home.

Edge- learning management system

GRH’s edge learning management system supports learning at the hospital. It has many advantages and benefits that support employees. This system makes learning more user-friendly by having online courses, tests and surveys available at any time, accessible from within the hospital or from your home. The system is accessible through the external link at (opens in a new tab) or via the hospital's Lotus Link intranet

Employee engagement survey

Every two years, GRH conducts an employee and physician engagement survey to review both the strengths and areas of improvement for the hospital as a whole, as well as individual departments. Priorities are set and all departments receive a presentation to help understand their results and develop plans to continue to build a healthy and engaging work environment.

Wellness programs

GRH cares about employee wellness in supporting a healthy workplace culture. Through feedback received in the employee engagement survey, the three areas of wellness focus are: physical activity, nutrition and mental health.

Our wellness and organizational development teams were proud to win the workplace training award at the Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce’s 2010 Business Excellence Awards for our work to identify needed training to promote skills, knowledge and safety in the organization.

In October 2015, GRH was one of only nine local workplaces to be presented the Region of Waterloo Healthy Workplace Gold Award for our commitment to proving our staff with a healthy work environment.

Leadership Academy

GRH provides leaders, both formal and informal, with opportunities to develop their leadership skills. A robust program that includes a core curriculum of courses, a mentorship program, informal communities of practice, as well as one-on-one coaching and an annual Leadership Inspiration keynote address is provided on an ongoing basis. The LEADS model has been adopted as the framework and courses such as “Crucial Conversations”, “5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity”, “The Speed of Trust”, as well as courses on emotional intelligence, project management, leading change, financial and business acumen, employee relations and quality are hallmarks of the program.

Learning Development Fund (LDF)

GRH's Learning Development Fund (LDF) is bigger, better and more inclusive than any previous funding programs at GRH. It is designed to support the relevant professional and personal development needs of our team members across all our clinical and corporate programs and services. The fund aims to strengthen our organization through the development of our team members and supports our vision of being a world class health system supporting healthier lives.

The LDF is funded entirely through generous donations made to the GRH Foundation in support of team member learning and development. Thank you to our donors for making this fund possible.

Visit Lotus Link for more information on the Learning Development Fund.

Accessing the Intranet from home

GRH’s Intranet can provide a number of resources for you to access at home, such as your employee pay stub and leave balance information and details from hospital programs and services.

  1. Open your internet browser;
  2. Type https://apps.grhosp.on.cainto the browser’s address bar;
  3. Enter your user name and password. (This is your network login information that you use to access other hospital systems); and
  4. Click on Intranet.

Once in our Intranet site, you will use your user ID and password for accessing hospital resources or personal information such as your pay stubs. Please make sure to never leave a computer logged-in to the Intranet by ensuring you log out.

Please contact Helpdesk if you experience problems logging in at extension 2762.

Accessing Outlook from home

Grand River Hospital offers remote access into our Outlook email system. This can help you check your email from home or if you’re on another computer.

  1. Open your internet browser;
  2. Type into the browser’s address bar. This will bring you to the Outlook web access page;
  3. Log on using your network username and password that you use normally inside the hospital; and
  4. Once you have signed into Outlook Web Access, you can click on “Help” to receive written documentation to assist you with managing your email

Again, make sure to never leave an external computer logged into the Outlook web access system. When you’re done using the system, please logout.

New Staff - Orientation