Posted: July 5, 2021

In partnership with Region of Waterloo Public Health, we have declared an outbreak of COVID-19 on 5S (Clinical Teaching Unit), and in Nutrition and Food Services (NFS). Currently, only staff have tested positive (three in NFS and two on CTU). The outbreaks on 1F South and 1F PICA are also ongoing and being closely monitored.

We have implemented a number of enhanced protocols on the clinical units (CTU and 1F) to bring resolution as quickly as possible, including;

  • Active, enhanced surveillance to identify potential cases and follow-up investigations.
  • More frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces in the hospital.
  • We are cohorting staff to one unit where possible.
  • Education of COVID-19 hospital protocols.
  • As part of ongoing risk assessments, continually reviewing our practices and implementing new measures as required.
  • Temporarily suspending in person care partner visits to the unit and working to enhance virtual and phone connections for our patients and families.
  • Temporarily closing admissions to the unit.

In Nutrition and Food Services, we have implemented the following measures:

  • Active, enhanced surveillance to identify potential cases and follow-up investigations.
  • More frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces.
  • Education of COVID-19 hospital protocols.
  • As part of ongoing risk assessments, continually reviewing our practices and implementing new measures as required.

There is no evidence that handling or consuming food is associated with COVID-19. Additionally, Nutrition and Food Services follows strict food safety protocols to ensure all items from our kitchen are always safe for our patients.

We will continue to provide updates as required.