Board of Directors

No expenses related to travel, meals and hospitality to report.

Ron Gagnon, President and CEO

No expenses related to travel, meals and hospitality to report.

Doug Murray, Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

No expenses related to travel, meals and hospitality to report.

Katherine Robertson-Cain, Vice President of Clinical Services and Chief Nursing Executive

No expenses related to travel, meals and hospitality to report.

Dr. Peter Potts, Chief of Staff and Chair of the Medical Advisory Committee

No expenses related to travel, meals and hospitality to report.

Bonnie Camm, Executive Vice President of Clinical Services

June 6, 2021$74.82Meals Business Meeting

Jane Martin, Vice President Clinical and Diagnostic Services and Regional Vice President Waterloo Wellington Regional Cancer Program

No expenses related to travel, meals and hospitality to report.

Jennifer O'Brien, Vice President of People, Communication and Engagement

June 6, 2022$20.00Travel
Business meeting
June 27, 2022$458.85TravelBusiness meeting
June 27, 2022$461.50TravelBusiness meeting

Sven Byl, Vice President of Planning, Transformation, and Innovation

September 8, 2022$900.48TravelConference
September 13, 2022$1998.61TravelConference