Vendor representatives are asked to adhere to the following procedures in order to save time for everyone and to ensure a fair process for all vendors.

Initial contact

Vendors who have not previously dealt with the Hospital must contact the purchasing department and ask to speak with the buyer responsible for the commodities or services in which the supplier is interested.

After the initial contact, company representatives should maintain ongoing contact with the purchasing staff responsible for the procurement of the company’s products. It is important to keep purchasing staff informed about products and services, so they can maintain their knowledge of the marketplace and Hospital suppliers.


No vendor representatives will call directly on any department without first contacting the purchasing department. Buyers are responsible for keeping departments informed on newly developed products and procedures. If they feel it is mutually advantageous for a representative to contact a department or if someone in the Hospital requests a visit from a representative, such arrangements can be made.

Casual visits to hospital departments, including administration areas, nursing units or doctors’ lounges, are not permitted.

Vendor representatives must sign in and obtain a visitor badge at the purchasing department during each visit to the Hospital.

A copy of any follow-up correspondence to departments must be sent to the buyer responsible for the area.

Note: Cellular phones are not allowed in emergency, intensive care, coronary care, operating room, delivery, nursery, renal services, or the ninth floor.

Service calls

Service or maintenance representatives can report directly to the areas needing such services as specified by the purchase order or service contact agreement.

Samples and demonstrations

Suppliers wishing to distribute gifts or samples to patients must request permission through the appropriate clinical director. Demonstration of product(s) should be scheduled through the purchasing department or pharmacy.


Parking is available at the KW Campus in the parking garage or at parking meters located outside the main entrance to the Hospital. At the Freeport Campus, parking is available in the parking lot located outside that facility’s front entrance.

The cost of parking is the vendor’s responsibility. Failure to follow parking regulations may result in a traffic ticket according to City bylaws.