Our magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) service is located at the hospital’s KW Campus at 835 King St. W in Kitchener. We are located within the medical imaging department on the 2nd floor of the hospital’s D wing. We operate 7 days a week from 7:00 a.m. until midnight.
Grand River Hospital and St. Mary’s General hospital work collaboratively together to equalize access to MRI exams at both sites. Where capacity is available, and redirect is appropriate, we will redirect your referral internally to ensure most timely booking.
Magnetic resonance imaging uses a strong magnet and radio frequency waves combined with a powerful computer system to produce internal scans of the body.
For more information on our MRI service, please call 519-749-4262.
How can I prepare for my MRI examination?
Changing for your exam, removing metal, and care for new tattoos
- Our policy requires all patients to change clothing into a hospital gown for an MRI examination, regardless of obvious metal. Modern athletic wear for example can contain metallic fibers. These fibers have been documented to cause burns.
- You must remove all metallic objects from your body including piercings, dermal piercings and jewellery.
- If you recently had a tattoo, you will need a six (6) week healing period before entering the MRI for your exam. If you do not wait the full six weeks, your tattoo may heat up and smear.
Below are more details about specific MRI examinations and how you can prepare:
Examination type: Abdomen/pelvis
Preparation: Nothing to eat or drink four hours prior to your arrival time. May need to have a fleet enema.
Procedure time: 30-45 minutes
What to expect: Examination to evaluate specific structures of the abdomen. These may include adrenals, kidneys, liver, spleen, and gallbladder. May involve the injection of intravenous contrast media. Examination to evaluate the structures of the pelvis. May involve the injection of intravenous contrast media.
Examination type: Arthrogram
Preparation: None
Procedure time: 90-120 minutes
What to expect: Examination to evaluate a joint after the injection of contrast media directly into the joint. This injection is done in the x-ray department and then the patient is brought over to MRI for their examination.
Examination type: Bones and joints (including temporal mandibular and sacroiliac joints)
Preparation: None
Procedure time: 25-45 minutes
What to expect: Examination to evaluate any bones or joints in the body, including the soft tissues around the bones (arms, legs, hands, feet). May involve the injection of intravenous contrast media.
Examination type: Chest
Preparation: None
Procedure time: 60 minutes
What to expect:Examination to evaluate the chest, including the heart and great vessels. May involve the injection of intravenous contrast media.
Examination type: Head
Preparation: None
Procedure time: 20-45 minutes
What to expect: Examination to evaluate the structures and blood vessels of the brain, and sometimes of the face and inner ear. May involve the injection of intravenous contrast media.
Examination type: Neck
Preparation: None
Procedure time: 45-60 minutes
What to expect: Examination to evaluate the soft tissue structures of the neck, including the thyroid. May involve the injection intravenous of contrast media.
Examination type: Spine
Preparation: None
Procedure time: 30-60 minutes
What to expect: Examination to evaluate any or all parts of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral). May involve the injection of intravenous contrast media.