A photo of a baby undergoing ROP screening
A baby having a retinopathy of prematurity screening

Babies born earlier than 31 weeks gestation are at risk for a condition that can lead to poor vision or even blindness. This is called retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).

The retina is the inside lining of the back of the eye that acts like the film in a camera. Regular screening is needed for these babies to make sure they don't have damaged sight, and to intervene as soon as possible to preserve their vision.
In the past, we have had to transfer babies who need this service to McMaster Children’s Hospital. We're now pleased to offer this screening here at Grand River Hospital, which means that patients and their parents won't need to travel to another city for this service.

Trained nurses use this new equipment, including retinal cameras, computers and video monitors to obtain detailed images that a specialized ophthalmologist at McMaster Children’s Hospital reviews. After viewing a patient's images, the ophthalmologist helps to create a care plan.